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What Is Important About Being Centered?
No one can be Centered for you.
On the other hand, no one can stop you from being Centered.
It is simple to understand why modern culture avoids teaching you to be Centered in your body, here and now in the Present moment. The reason is this: if you are Centered, then you have power – more power than can be suppressed by the modern methods of hierarchical governments, institutionalized religions, and corporate marketing agencies combined.
When you are Centered you have power to consciously Choose among more options than are presented, power to Declare what is so and what is not, power to Ask questions the answers to which do not exist in current reality, and power to take unprecedented action. These are standard Initiated Adult powers.
When you are Centered you have the kind of power that Andrew Jackson meant when he said, “One man with courage makes a majority.” (Note: We are certain that Mr. Jackson phrased his observation in this particular vernacular merely as a linguistic convenience, and that, if asked, he would heartily agree that the principle applies equally well to women!)
Modern society is so lacking in references to the noble qualities and nearly unimaginable powers of the Initiated Adult Woman or Man that trying to compensate for this deficiency through a mere website is neither dignified nor substantial enough to rectify the condition. What is called for is an entirely new society, a society that supports each person to realize the fullness of their humanity through embracing their Archetypal destiny. We call this new society: Archearchy, the culture that is rapidly emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.Where is Archiarchy now? It is over the Bridge.
What are you waiting for? Become a Bridge!
You Have 5 Centers - One In Each Of Your 5 Bodies: Physical, Intellectual, Energetic, Emotional, Archetypal
Your Physical Body has a Physical Center of Gravity located approximately 3 fingers below your belly button. This is where you would naturally balance if someone held you up by your hip bones. Your Physical Center is located halfway back in your abdomen, behind where your belt-buckle would be, and it does not move around. Athletes, gymnasts, dancers, and martial artists come to experience the importance of putting their Energetic Center on their Physical Penter to Become Centered. But as soon as you ask one of them on a date or if they talk to their mother, they probably give their Energetic Center of Being away instantly away and become childish, emotional, numb, adaptive, or wiggly.
Since childhood and school you have been hammered into Verbal Reality, where words prevail. This means that once you find a word for something you know its category. Then your experience of the thing disappears and all you have is the concept of the thing. School empowers your Intellectual Body horrendously at the expense of perceiving through and training your other 4 bodies. Without being aware that your friends and colleagues are afflicted with the same distortion you adopt 'knowing' as your highest value, and live in an intellectual desert with at best, Intellectual Intimacy.
Because of school's focus on remembering facts, understanding information, and the logical thinking of Verbal Reality, the intelligence of your Emotional Center has been relegated either to childhood or to dangerous insanity. Recent research has shown that the heart is made up of nearly half brain-like nerve cells. When you memorize things by heart, you know that your heart is your second brain and that your heart can think and speak in addition to experiencing and expressing valuable feelings. Your Emotional Center has both feelings and emotions and is an immense source of energy and information for living your life and delivering your Archetypal Lineage.
Your Energetic Center is mobile. It can mover around. It either moves around consciously, or unconsciously. That would be up to you. If you give your Energetic Center to another person then you give away your authority, your ability to make decisions, to create, to take action, to ask dangerous questions, to hold and navigate space, to be present as yourself, and so on. This is a lot to give away. Why would you do it? To be safe. Why do you think you are safe if you give your center away? Because you think that if you are not dangerous, someone else will take care of you. Is this true? I don't think so. No one can take your Energetic Center away. If someone else has your center, if you are being adaptive and small, you gave your Energetic Center away. You can give your Energetic Center away to anything. I have seen people give their Energetic Center to the Television, to their children, even to their dog. The real question here is: can you keep your Energetic Center and not give it away to anything? We will see...
Your Archetypal Center is the Energetic Center of your Archetypal Body. It activates when your your other four bodies come online in your awareness and when you develop more sensitive navigation skills. Your Archetypal Center is in your 4 bodies when you are in service to your Archetypal Lineage, and also in the space that you are working in when serving your Archetypal Lineage, and also in the work you are doing. Before you have jacked-in to your Archetypal Lineage it is not much worth trying to figure all this out. After you jack-in to your Archetypal Lineage you gain access to the Archetypal Domains, and can explore 5 Body Intimacy Journeys.
SPARK013 -
You can responsibly choose, declare, and ask best when you are centered.
Being centered is a sensation, not a concept. Being centered is the sensation that you experience when you put your energetic center on your physical center (your center of gravity).
From your energetic center comes your power:
- to say yes or no or stop
- of your own real voice, ideas and dreams
- to move
- to sense
- to observe
- to question
- to make true offers
- to connect
Being centered is the sensation when you stand in your own power. When you do not give you power/center away to authority figures.
Women in a patriarchy are taught to give their center away to men authority figures, especially their father.
Men in a patriarchy are taught to give their center away to other men who seem more powerful - who in reality are more numb - or to their mother.
You can also give your center away to ideas, or to the future or to the past but where does modern culture train us to put our center? Have you been to school? What do they teach us in school?
Learn, memorize, solve problems, and regurgitate it all on paper on the test. Modern culture trains us to put our center in our mind. When our center is in our mind, the only thing that we can express and experience is our mind: meaning, ideas, concepts, arguments, logic, reasons, etc... Boring! Expression of life limited to the possibilities of your mind is linear, logical and somewhat dead and so are your relationships.
You can do this.
Use Your Attention to find out where your Energetic Center is. How do you do this? You look for what you have been doing with it. What you have been doing may be habitually giving your Energetic Center away to external authority figures. Then you can avoid being seen as a threat. You delude yourself into thinking you can avoid being responsible.
Wake yourself up. You live in a responsible universe. Responsibility cannot be avoided. What are you doing with your Energetic Center? Find it. Put your attention on it. Keep your attention on your Energetic Center. Go to Step 2.
Noticing what you are up to gives you clues about where your Center is.
-If you wonder what people might think of you, your center is with those people and you are Being Adaptive. Take your Center and Authority back from them.
- If you think about where your center is, your center is your mind.
Put your energetic center on your physical center.
- If you are arguing in your head with someone, your center is with them. Get their energy out of Your Bubble of Space. Shoot the voices with your Voice Blaster.
- If you are planning a future conversation, your center is in the future. Bring your Center into a Minimized NOW.
- If you keep reliving a past conversation, your center is in the past. Go through the Emotional Healing Process and bring your Center into a Minimized NOW.
- If you think someone is persecuting you, then Your Gremlin has brought you into a Low Drama. Tell your Gremlin to "Sit!" Who your Gremlin blames, you empower.
Use your intention to move your Energetic Center on your Physical Center. This is not done with imagination but with your intention. You set your intention to be centered. It could help to put your hands on your physical center (in between your hipbones and halfway between your belly and your back). When you are centered, stay there. Experience the sensation of being centered. Do not think about the experience, just have the experience.
When you do that, you have the experience of Being Centered.
Keep a Part (1-10%) of Your Attention to keep your Energetic Center on your Physical Center. And move from your Energetic Center.
Learn to say No and Stop from your center, learn to say Yes from your center, learn to say what you want from your center (and not what TV wants, or what school taught you to want), learn to express what you sense and feel, learn to move without words, learn to touch without reason,...
5Grounding Cord
When you are centered, declare energetically your Grounding Cord that is a 10cm diameter cord linking your Energetic Center to the Center of Gaia. You are then grounded.
6Bubble of Personal Space
When you are centered and you declared your grounding cord, declare your Personal Bubble of Space. This is your space, no one can enter it without your permission. You are then bubbled.
7Sword Out
To keep your center, grounding cord and bubble, you need your Sword of Clarity out all the time - day or night, work or at home, with your loved one and your enemies.
Watch the Basic Inner Navigation Skill Practice: Being Centered with Rita Correira and Josine Rolina,
and then ask for your own Centering Practice Exchange in the Possibility Management Healing Village (EHP APPRENTICES)
Watch the Basic Inner Navigation Skill Practice: Being Centered with Rita Correira and Renee,
and then ask for your own Centering Practice Exchange in the Possibility Management Healing Village (EHP APPRENTICES)
Can you decide when you move?
If you are using someone else's unexamined thoughtware, someone else is making up the answer in your Life.
What is right?
What is wrong?
What is important?
What is appropriate?
What is tabboo?
Where is your center?
Which thoughtware are you using?
Patriarchal thoughtware is molded onto the context of Child-Level Responsibility.
A Child cannot keep their center. They do not have the Matrix or the Inner Structure to be responsible for their Voice, their Feelings, their Power, their Nonmaterial Value, their Commitment regardless of what other people think or feel about them. Children need Adult to survive. Children are not Living in Archan Terminology because they are not responsible for their Creation until they are ready to start their Initiations into Authentic Adulthood.
Child-raising in Archiarchy provides an environment to build Matrix and the ability to take Responsibility, step-by-step, preparing themselves for their Path of Initiatory Processes.
Patriarchy wants you to stay a Child. Patriarchal thoughtware wants you to give your center away because...
Who will pay for corporate-owned gambling-game health insurance if you discover you can take Authority for your 5-body Health?
Who will buy their skin cream if you shift from Material value system (what you have) to Nonmaterial Value (what you can create)?
Who will vote for them if you decide that no one can represent your Real Voice?
Who will finance their war when you refuse to participate in the rigged tax game for their industrialized military market?
Who will be their economic slave pumping up their GNP when you realize that you do not need money to live?
Who will be their citizen when you reclaim your Authority to living your own Nanonation with your own rules of engagement?
Who will be their puppet in their big show called 'The Economy' when you decide to work for your Archetypal Lineage, your Bright Principles or the Universe?
Who can manipulate your when you can inner navigate your Four Feelings consciously and are no longer afraid of your Fear?
Who can threaten you when you are aware that you are simply having a Culture-to-Culture Conversation?
When you center yourself, experiences that Modern Culture knows nothing about become available: becoming aware of your 5 bodies, feeling your 4 feelings, going through Emotional Healing Processes and Initiatory Processes.
It snow balls... You can shift your Point-of-Origin from Survival to Living, calibrate your own Compass of Reality, give yourself Authority to take back your Authority, practice skills to become a Person of Agency, go through the Eye of The Needle.
You open up to whole new dimensions of Responsibility, Living Full Out, Creation - at this point, those all the same thing -
Build your Circle.
Create your own Archan Gameworld.
Declare your own Nanonation.
Source your own health cooperative, such as in the frameworld of Artabana.
Training other in your Nonmaterial Value, your Knacks and Possibilitator Skills.
Steward an Archan Village, in other words become a Village Maker.
Become an Earth Guardian.
Share Archan Thoughtware into Schools, University, the United Nations, Social Entrepreneurship, NGOs, Government Institutions.
Take a Stand for the Stand that you take, and let E.C.C.O. move you to your next Job.
Creatively Collaborate with other Edgeworkers to build energetic and memetic structures for Next Culture Archiarchy to emerge.
Design your own Culture and never leave it.
Shift all refugee camps into New Refugees Incubators.
All of it start with Being Centered... in your own chosen and examined Thoughtware.
Compass of Reality
What measure do you use to sense into Reality?
Reality is What Is, Now. In a Minimized Now.
The closer you are to Reality, the more Power you have.
Some people attempt to measure What Is by declaring What Is Right and What Is Wrong. Who decides what is Right or Wrong? Most probably not them. Right and Wrong are Memetic Concepts reinforced by the Church (any Church) to manipulate unconsciously afraid sheeple and didact their action for the particular purpose of Domination and Control.
You could attempt to make sense of What Is by how useful, productive, efficient, creative, loving, helpful, understanding you are.
What Assumptions do you carry so that What Is make sense?
What Stories do you give your center to to measure What Your Are or What Others Are?
What Conclusions have you made to force the What Is to freeze and avoid the every changing state of Reality?
Anything between you and What Is is Baggage.
Your Baggage disrupt your Compass of Reality so that you are not with Reality you are with your Baggage, in your own Fantasy World, or Swamp or Memetic Prisons.
You live in a perpetual sense of insecurity fulled by Emotional Fears because your sense of Reality does not come from you, it comes from whichever 'authority figure' you gave your Center away.
Repositioning your Compass of Reality in your Being places your measure of Reality within yourself. This is Radical Responsibility. Giving your Center obviously reveals itself as a Survival Strategy and no longer a Survival Imperative.
If you are waiting for someone to authorise you to take your Center Back, you see the catch-22 you wiggled yourself into?
Do you really have your Center?
What if that person changes their mind and take away their authorisation? What will you do?
Having been groomed at the sound of grades, diplomas, certificates, promotions and stamps of approval who the hell are you to decide that you can make your own license to 'Take Your Center Back'?
If no one approves of it, is it really a license? How can you tell? Is it good enough? Are you good enough to do it?
How do you gain the capacity to Authorise yourself?
Where does your Authority comes from?
What happens next when you Authorise yourself
It is seriously time to experiment!
Fly over to the Authority website, read the context, and start on the Experiment. Report back to your Archan Village, your Possibility Team, your 3Cell.
Stacking Stones with Jonna Jinton
When you find your own Center, you find the Center of the Stone.
Legend of Emotional Healing Process with Manuela Kuhar
From Dissociation (not Possibility Management terminology) to Being Centered
'There is no wrong note, just a missing Context'
with Jacob Collier
When there is no 'wrong', there is no 'right' - you have full width to play and experiment, and no one to give your Center Away to.
Being Centered is not a one-time achievement. It is a daily practice.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.01
Centering Process: Your physical center is your physical center of gravity. It is located about two fingers below the navel, right on the inside of your body, a bit in front of your spine.
Step 1: Right now in front of the computer, bring all of your attention from wherever it is (that thing you want to do, the person you just spoke to, what your next task will be, the noise outside), and put it, concentrated like a grapefruit, on your physical center, on the inside of your body. Stay there breathing, while trying to sense your guts. Do not try to imagine it. The experience you get is Being Centered. You can do it with eyes closed or open, but eventually open them to read the next step.
Step 2: Stay Centered and open your eyes. Keep most of your attention, 90% in your Centre, while the open 10% are being used to read. Check it out how that feels like in all your bodies. Keep breathing. If you notice yourself making stories or loosing your attention, bring it back to your physical center.
Step 3: Stay Centered and with your attention still 90% on your Centre, move with your eyes open, sitting on your chair, and take a look at your surroundings. Keep bringing your attention back to your Centre. Look around at the objects, look at the things in your home or office without them being a shopping list. Take 2 minutes for this.
Step 4: Now staying Centered, get up and move around. Change speeds and directions, all while staying Centered. Check out what speed is, at the moment, too fast for you to keep being Centered or too slow. Does moving slow get you in your head? Does moving very fast get you in your head?
Step 5: (This is best done with people in a live group or a video call, but you can grab a photograph of different people you know). Stay Centered and stay breathing bring yourself closer to the people. Either move closer to one of them, or bring your face closer to the screen and camera, so you can look at them closely. Notice if you give your Centre away to someone, if you give your Centre to someone younger than you, older than you, from the same or opposite sex. Keep bringing yourself back to Centered. And breathe. If you give your Centre away very quickly, you can close your eyes to get it back and get open your eyes, and continue the exercise. Move to a different person. Do this last step for 4 minutes.
Do this experiment every day for a week.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.02
Balance and Becoming Centered are related.
For one week, as many times a day as you can, at least five times a day each day, balance an object.
Balance objects of different sizes, shapes and weights, like chairs, pens, small and big cardboard boxes, empty buckets and rain barrels.
Balance things on your hand, fingers, nose, chin.
Balance each object upside down, right side up and on its side, edge or on any point it has.
Notice what happens with balancing when you have your center.
After a week balancing everything, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.03
The next three times you go to a grocery store or shop, give your Centre away to the product in every advertisement, as if you HAVE to buy the things.
As you do this, notice what feelings and emotions come up.
Why do you feel scared when you look at the advertisement about this product?
Why do you feel joy when you look at the advertisement about that product?
After each visit to the store, write for at least 10 minutes in your BEEP! Book about how it went. After the third time, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.04
For a whole day, carry a rock that is strapped to your body where your Center is.
This will remind you to split your attention, keep part of your attention where your Center is, and find it again if and when you forget.
At the end of the day, for at least 10 minutes write about this in your BEEP! Book.
Then, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.05
Walk through downtown, for one hour during a busy time, like a lunch break.
For half of the hour, give your Center away to every single person. Make sure they are okay. Move around them, get out of their way. If they bump into you, you be the one who says 'Sorry'. Believe in the skin cream poster. Become an object owned by patriarchal men.
For the next half hour, don't give your Center away. Walk down the street the way you want to walk down the street. If people bump into you, they disappear. Take up space. Think your own thoughts. Feel your own feelings. Say what needs to be said. Make a new list of ten things to which you gave your Center away to.
After, write about how it went for at least 10 minutes in your BEEP! Book.
Then, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.06
Get a lemon sized rock and carry it around with you in the same way the Mandalorian carries Baby Yoda around.
Don't give your Center to the rock.
People will ask, What are you doing with the rock?
Say, What rock? Hey, I am not giving my Center to this rock, it's just a burden. I suggest you don't give your Center to it either.
Explain that it is Experiment BCENTERD.06 in the StartOverxyz Massive Mulitpayer on and offline game.
Do this for at least 3 hours on 3 different days during one week.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.07
During a one hour walk, move from your Center, in Your Bubble of Space.
Let your Center move you, at whatever speed, whatever direction and in whatever posture.
Every time you lose your Center to anything, stop for ten seconds to get your Center back before you continue.
When you get back home, write for at least 10 minutes about this in your BEEP! Book and enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.08
Wear something torn or ripped or stained, or wear your clothing wrong, your tie done up badly, your shirt untucked, put lipstick on your collar for a full day.
If someone tells you about it, say thank you and do not fix it.
Do not give your Center away to what they think, or to the "wrongness" of your wardrobe issue.
At the end of the day, write for at least 10 minutes about this in your BEEP! Book and enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.09
Go to the cinema where an amazing film is playing.
Sit in the back half of the cinema and don't watch the film.
Stay Centered and observe the people around you while they watch the film. Pay attention to how they give their Center away to the Story World.
Each time you notice that you "snapped into" watching the film, remember you are sitting in a cinema and use your attention and intention to move your Energetic Centre back to your Physical Centre.
Do this the whole length of the film.
Afterward, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.10
Go to a restaurant, sit down and ask the waiter, What you should I eat?
Whatever they say, order it and eat it.
While you are eating, be noticing. Notice your Center, notice your feelings. Notice your emotions. Notice your Voices. Notice your thoughts. Notice you Box. Notice your Gremlin. Just notice.
Then go home and write for at least 15 minutes in your BEEP! Book about how it went.
Then, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.11
Give your Center away to everyone in a clothing store.
Does this lipstick go with my belt?
Really get adaptive.
I was thinking of going out on a date with this guy? (Show them a photo.) What do you think? How does he look? What should I wear to this party?
Mumble a lot.
While you are doing this, notice what results are happening in you and in other people. Notice your feelings and thoughts.
Write about this for at least 10 minutes in your BEEP! Book, then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.12
Learn how to juggle at least three things at once.
Notice what this has to do with Being Centered.
When you can juggle three things at once for at least 3 minutes, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.13
There are places is your house you have never walked before, stood before, looked before or put things before.
During the next three days, find these places. Walk in them. Stand in them. Put things in places you have never put things before.
These places may be high or low.
For example I have never been in the space between my refrigerator and the door. It is small. I have never stood inside the cleaning closet, even though there is plenty of space. Okay, now I have.
Observe yourself while you do this. Observe your Center.
Write about it at least three times in your BEEP! Book.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.14
You are being adaptive to your Box. Take your Center back from your Box.
Make a list of ten neurotic Box requirements in your BEEP! Book.
For example: French people always need to have to have a sweet after dinner, or some people have to have 2cm of toothpaste on their toothbrush or have to start with a wet or dry toothbrush before they begin.
You might have to ask your friends what your ten neurotic Box requirements are, because it is easier to see someone else's Box requirements than to see our own.
When you have the list, fire your Box. Make it not the boss any more. Take back your Center about each of these ten things at once. Do each of those ten things differently.
When you have established that, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.15
Part 1. In the grocery store in line, give your Center away to everyone in line. Start by asking everyone which line you should be in.
Part 2. Give your attention to everyone, and give them your Center. Does somebody in the line you end up in have more urgency to be ahead of you? Find out. Insist they go ahead. Do this about 3 times. Don't stay after the super market has closed.
Part 3. Give your Center away to the cashier. I bought the red apples. Are they the best apples? Is this name brand mayonaise okay? What should I make with this? Did I forget anything? How do I cook this?
Part 4. Try giving your Center away at a hardware store.
Then, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.16
For this Experiment, get a nice supply of really amazing candies, and put them in a bowl in your living room right in the middle of everything. Don't eat any of it for 3 months.
Notice if you give your Center to the candies. Take it back.
Your Gremlin might have things to say abut this experiment if candies are one of his or her Gremlin foods.
When the 3 months are over, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point, no matter what you choose then to do with the candies.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.17
In your Possibility Team, get up in front and say, Tell me what I should say.
Whatever someone tells you, say it, and keep talking about it.
Even if it's not true, talk about it until someone says, Now talk about ....
(Tell your team this is what to do before you do it.)
Then talk about that until the next person tells you to talk about something else.
Do this for 10 minutes.
Have others from your Team take a turn.
Afterward, discuss what it was like for you each to give your Center to the Team that way.
You can each enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.17 in your free accounts at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.18
Make a Reminding Factor sign saying, Where is your Center?
Put it on the door going out of you house.
See it when you leave you house and keep your Center as you get into your car, or onto your bike to go to the store.
Every time you lose your Center to anything, stop, close your eyes, and get your Center back, then open your eyes and keep going.
Do this so often that you can go into a store and come out without giving your Centre away.
When you don't need the sign to remind you any more, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.19
For one week, 3 times a day for 5 minutes, stop and announce what you are giving your Center away to, and why.
For example, you might say I am giving my Center to the refrigerator, because my Box is telling me I am hungry, and now I am giving my Center away to the cream that is not in the refrigerator, because I realize it is not there and so I can't have on granola. Now I am giving my Center away to my calendar, because I feel scared I won't have time to go buy more cream today.
Keep taking for 5 minutes, then move on.
Once each day, write for at least 5 minutes in your BEEP! Book about how it is going.
At the end of the week, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.20
For this Experiment, make cards with your name and phone number on them, then go to a public place.
Sit on a bench or stand by a path, scanning people, for who is giving their Center away... to anything: their children, dog, their partners.
Have a set speech. Be ready to go up to the people and say:
I notice you are giving your Center away to..., and I give training to people on how to have and keep your Center. If you would like to have training about how to be more Centered, here is my card.
Do this as many times as it takes to give out 20 cards.
Create your workshop. Deliver it.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.21
Get 2 apple sized rocks, and tie them to a piece of twine 8 meters long, one on each end.
Start at the front door of your house, and put one of the rocks down.
Walk with the other rock in the direction you want to walk, away from your house, until the twine is stretched out in full.
Go back to the first rock, and carry it past the rock that is on the ground until the twine is stretched out full again.
Keep leap-frogging the rocks for an hour long walk around the neighbourhood.
If anyone asks you what you are doing, don't give them your Center, make up an answer. Say,
I am doing StartOverxyz Experiment BCENTERD.21, to Build Matrix.
I am learning to have and keep my Center.
Give a different answer to any other person who asks you.
When you get back home, write for at least 10 minutes in your BEEP! Book about how you kept, lost and got your Center back during this Experiment.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.22
For this experiment, get yourself a vegetable, a big one, of any sort, and put it on the table in your living room and let it sit there for 3 months.
It will ripen and get more rotten, and more rotten.
However rotten it gets, don't move it. Whatever people say or whatever the voices in your head say to get you to move the vegetable, don't move it.
You might need to use your Voice Blaster.
Keep your center.
When 3 months is up, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz, and compost the rotten vegetable. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.23
As a child, you gave your center to your mother. This Experiment is about having and keeping your Center around her.
Go to your mother's house and let her know you will polish 3 of her pots or frying pans (not teflon, throw away all your teflon, and your mother's teflon. If she refuses, watch the documentary Dark Waters with her).
Using a stainless steel wool scrubbing pad, polish each pot til it is polished and you decide when it is polished.
Polish til YOU are satisfied the pots are polished, not her.
When you have done this, go home and write for at least 20 minutes about how it went in your BEEP! Book. If you need an Emotional Healing Process, you can ask a Possibility Coach, or someone in an EHP Dojo.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz, and compost the rotten vegetable. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.24
Make a list of the 5 main constructs about Relating, Power, Education, Money and Sex to which you are giving your center.
Once a week, choose one of the five and notice it. At least three times in the week, write in your Beep! Book about all the ways you notice that you give your center about it.
For example, under Relationships, you might write: I give my center to my partner when I think my partner should buy me more flowers because we are in a relationship, and when he says things I am embarrassed about and when I didn't tell him I wanted to be in the bath with the door locked so no one would come in last night.
Under Education, you might write: I give my center to my philosophy professor from years ago when I go into low drama about how university didn't prepare me for life.
Then choose five new constructs and do the experiment again....etcetera.
After five weeks, enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.25
In an Emotional Healing Process, or a Lab or in a Rage Club, take back your Center in a Standing Rage.
Pick someone you are giving your Center way to and use Standing Rage to take it back.
Do it again with your mother.
Do it again with your father.
Takes your balls back.
Take your Center back from a priest or any religious authority
Take your Center back from God.
Or from Trump.
Decide which one is more difficult.
Take your Center back from reasons. Become unreasonable.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.25 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code BCENTERD.26
Do this Status Experiment with someone you live with, in-person, for two days.
For the first day, you are the master and the other person is the slave, and the second day they are the master and you are the slave.
The slave has to do what the master says. Everything.
What do I wear?
When do I eat?
What do I eat?
Can I go pee?
What do I do all day long?
Which is easier for you? Notice the feelings and emotions that happen.
Write about how it goes in your BEEP! Book.
Then enter Matrix Code BCENTERD.26 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BCENTERD.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!